Ever wondered, what can be the greatest secret of a human?? Wealth, Love, or what on the list?? It may sound very cliché, but above all these uncountable reasons, the one that turns everyone’s head around is ‘Keeping Secrets.’ It’s so simple yet complicated. And, that is keeping one’s secrets to oneself. Someone rightly quoted, “Don’t let anyone, not even your soul know your secrets.” A little absurd, but again, its undeniable that it is the strongest truth one can possess for a lifetime.
In a world where everyday millions of people wrestle with striking a so-called-perfect-life-balance, all seek for secret ingredients to stay in the rat race. And, your secrets, here come into play because it cannot be served way too easily on somebody else’s plate - Because its life recipe, not a food recipe.
A simple way to harness power is to keep a secret. This tendency is often deemed to be covert, used across time and space, in the universe, in myth, and in reality, in politics and in romance. For instance, the highly-acclaimed Hollywood animated film, Kung Fu Panda, tells us a secret scroll that contains the mysteries of life - somewhat similar to your own-preferred secret coffee cup. This secret eventually inspires the heroes and villains to look for it and open the scroll to read it - only to fine that there is no secret. Power, herein, comes from the notion of secrecy rather than the actual content. Thus, following the secret art of keeping things secret, and not revealing them to anyone, be it best of friends or foe, we grab power to ourselves. Nevertheless, power is used in different ways; people who fall in love tend to not share their lover’s details with others and, in that secrecy, they enjoy a sense of delight and security.
The secret to success, I personally believe should be confined to oneself. You may hear stories or have self-experienced that people often have clinched the sweet spot of success by mimicking people or stealing other’s ideas. Is it right?? Is it necessary to jump to that extent and start losing trust on own confidence?? Lets time travel. In school definitely, there might be a copycat, who will somehow manage to copy all answers, and still, take the credit on doing on their best, and not accepting the fact that it is wrong. It turns as an intrinsic value and sticks like a glue for a lifetime. That’s where the irony of life lies. There are a lot of people in high places who probably aren’t “deserving” of their position. Aren’t smart enough or lag massively in the experience part. But have made it anyway. Most clearly, of unethical favours. They played a different game in their head - and, that’s of copying another’s idea.
Man, himself has made life so complicated. The sole idea of making things difficult right from the thought-process to executing them, itself tells about how fearful they are to take up a definite step and go through all toil and hard work. Life is all about defeat and victory. Better were those childhood days, when you actually believed in the spider and the web story, again as growing up, most of us forget the moral. Life has never given anyone the key to shortcut success; indeed, it helped them largely on figuring out on their own worth.
Amidst the swinging branch of defeat and victory, one should know the ‘key to acceptance.’ Acceptance is always at the forefront of being happy. It doesn’t mean to express joy on counterparts’ defeat, instead of on accepting their own’s failures at times too. In layman’s language - ‘ No one can relieve their life, skipping the awful parts, without losing what made it worthwhile.’ And, make the unbelievable, the believable. Like the Banyan seed, which is way much smaller than a mustard seed. But when it grows, it is the biggest of all. In fact, learn to be Wiser, grow Wiser, and spread Wisdom until you make the last breath.
In the walk of life, eradicate greediness, and encourage others to grow as well. Strange to hear, but it is the cue to immortality. Anything that is more complex in the world is the human body itself. No wonder, that’s why we have one tongue and rest 5 senses as two. Because it can slip anywhere, anytime, and be a problem-enhancer, not a solver. So, be cautious in making use of the sixth sense by using it where required, and not be a living mechanism of speech destruction or hatred speech.
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